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Environmental protection and energy saving product shot hook hookloop


Since 1999, BAIHE has been in production research anddevelopment of new products, is committed to the development of theenvironmental protection and energy saving products more better.

BAIHE Company Limited recently launched a new product shot hookhookloop, this product can reach the EU's new testing standards, environmentalprotection and energy saving products of good textile industry. In the clothingindustry also culture popular, especially the unique textile accessories magicbutton, it replaces the buttons and zippers in clothing, this not only forconsumption with more convenient, more can give consumers a sense of mystery.

New products throughthe EU environmental requirements of SGS standard, non-toxic does not containheavy metal detection. The new product is usually emitted hook with hookloopmix with the use, greatly enhance the performance of this product, is asolution for integration. Make the environmental protection product is moreexcellent.